Katie's Birth: CDH, Dr. Carroll

There are not enough words to truly express how incredible our experience with Heather was. "Redeeming" is the best word we have found to summarize the entire birth experience. 

Let me preface by explaining our first birth as it gives context to the importance of our second birth experience: Our first time around we really wanted everything to be as natural as possible. WELL - we had a breech baby and I was leaking amniotic fluid for weeks that had gone unchecked. Our babe was an unexpected and emergent C Section. It was hard and wonderful, but we knew from day one that a VBAC was our goal for the second babe. Fast forward 7 months: we are pregnant with baby #2. This time we KNEW we wanted someone in the hospital room with us who would advocate for us and give us ALL the options so we didn't feel so lost like we did the 1st time. From the first call we knew right away that Heather was who we wanted in that room. She really took the time to get to know us and listen to our hopes and fears - especially in light of the previous delivery. She was so compassionate, knowledgeable and affirming. I felt like I could do anything!

When the day(s) of labor arrived - Heather spoke truth and calm into my mind every time I had fear creep in. This woman carried me thru a grueling labor. She re-positioned me, coached me through the HARDEST moments, let me cry on her, lean on her, got in the shower with me to labor there. She adjusted to every contraction and read me so well. She was exactly who I needed.

Heather is truly one of a kind. She LOVES what she does. She is in your corner the whole time - even when you yourself aren't! She will lift you up when you need it most and be by your side in ways you can't even appreciate until after it's all over. We have prayed many blessings over this woman. Our birth experience was a long and grueling one but it was so redemptive and we could NOT have done it all without her. 

click next or read over 80 additional birth stories that I have supported at doulamatch.net

Heather Karlson