Kye and Pete’s Home Birth

We were introduced to Heather through our birthing class teacher and we couldn’t be more grateful. This was our first child and a home birth. Heather began checking in with us a few days before my due date, ensuring we felt supported and prepared.

At 41 weeks and 4 days, I took castor oil to induce labor. I texted Heather that morning and by the afternoon, contractions began. I sent updates to her, but as labor intensified, Pete took over communicating with her.

Heather guided us through early labor with advice like walking stairs and doing squats. By midnight, I felt overwhelmed. Pete called Heather and when she arrived, everything changed. Her gentle, motherly touch immediately calmed me, melting away my fear and giving me strength.

Heather was proactive, suggesting positions to manage contractions, and coaching me through deep breathing when I tensed up. Her positive affirmations during every contraction kept me going. She ensured I stayed hydrated and energized with water and honey sticks and also took care of Pete, letting him rest.

After an hour of pushing, our baby was born. Heather sat beside me, celebrating my accomplishment and offering warmth and encouragement. I couldn’t have made it through without her coaching, care, and comforting touch.

Heather also captured beautiful photos during labor, pushing, and the birth—treasured memories I’ll always cherish. She even made me breakfast while I held my baby, chatting as if we’d known each other forever.

Even after the birth, Heather checked in and patiently answered all our questions during those overwhelming early days. Her support extended far beyond delivery, and I felt truly cared for.

Heather made my first birth experience amazing, giving me the confidence to overcome every challenge. Now, 12 days postpartum, I’m already thinking about my next pregnancy—and Heather will be the first person I call!

Heather Karlson