Nick and Christine: homebirth

Everyone needs a doula, and everyone should hire Heather! From the moment we met Heather, we knew she was a perfect match for us. From her enthusiastic attitude, to her experience, to knowing she’s a mom of five, we couldn’t have asked for anyone more equipped for the job. Heather was available to us in the weeks leading up to birth, calming my nerves and answering any questions I had. When we weren’t sure if my water had broken, she was our first phone call. Heather was a calming, knowledgeable presence (especially for my secretively panicked husband) via phone in the early stages of my labor and after her arrival. She made sure I ate and drank, helped me get comfortable, and gave me an amazing massage (that I wished I could have enjoyed while NOT in labor!). But Heather offered so much more - as much as I knew a doula would be there to support me through labor, I didn’t realize how much she would be GUIDING labor. Heather coached me through the entire process, and my labor wouldn’t have progressed the way it did (or at the rate it did) without her. Heather went from being a calm yoga instructor to the coach of an Olympic athlete. She kept me moving, walked me into positions that progressed labor, encouraged me to lean into pain, and reassured me when I wanted to give up. When it was time to push (and I couldn’t figure out what to do), Heather sat with me for an hour and taught me the mechanics. She truly led me through labor, and I don’t think I would have found my way without her. After hearing so many stories of friends in labor who were told they were “too tired” to keep going, who were pushed into Pitocin or epidurals or c-sections, I’ve realized the biggest missing piece for them was a doula. Birth is an incredibly intimate, vulnerable experience, and only the very best people should be invited into your experience. We highly recommend Heather for being part of this experience for you.


click next or read over 50 additional birth stories that I have supported at

Heather Karlson